There’s No Place like Home: Through the Lens of a Palestinian American Girl

After conducting an interview with a classmate, I transcribed her story into this article. Originally submitted in 2015 as a final paper, this article is still relevant today.
Here’s an account of life in Palestine for a young girl during Israeli occupation.

Friends, How many of us have them?

A measurement of friendship based upon personal growth and development. Consider who you surround yourself with, are they draining or adding? Taking or giving? Uplifting or downplaying?

The Secret’s Out

In his room Josiah rehearsed his speech, while he was supposed to be setting the table for daily family dinner.  Downstairs he heard his mom calling for him, “Josiah! Josiah, the table isn’t going to set itself!” “Ask Jamaal, he isn’t doing anything and I’m getting changed since I got all dirty at my game earlier.”ContinueContinue reading “The Secret’s Out”